Justin bieber and selena gomez excite fans

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Bạn đang xem: Justin bieber and selena gomez excite fans

Reports of Justin Bieber"s abrupt engagement lớn Hailey Baldwin only seem sudden: Sure, the duo, who was rumored to be dating in 2016, appeared lớn get baông xã together just few weeks before upgrading their relationship status. And yes, they got coupled up just a few months after Justin appeared to part ways with former girlfriover Selena Gomez, shortly after they"d allegedly rekindled their romance after some time apart.

But because Justin himself quý phái "spend a week with your boy I"ll be calling you my girlfriend," true fans should have seen it coming. And the same could be said for body-language expert Blanca Cobb, who says Justin"s interactions with his ex-girlfrikết thúc were very different from the way he"s been behaving around his future wife.

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Take a look:

1. He Walks Differently 💔


Justin và Selena walk khổng lồ Valentine’s Day dinner after a church service on February 14, 2018.

Above, Justin trails behind Selemãng cầu rather than walking by her side. He leads with his right foot while she leads with her left. "They"re just not in sync," Cobb says, surprised to lớn see no hand-holding or any hint of physical closeness — particularly on Valentine"s Day, when the photo lớn was taken. "To me, they"re two strangers walking into lớn a building at the same time. There"s no passion — none at all."



Justin and Hailey stroll in Brooklyn, New York, on July 5, 2018.
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Above, Justin walks shoulder-to-shoulder with Hailey. Although they aren"t holding hands or looking at each other, Cobb notes, they"re much closer together, as you"d expect from two people who are attached to one another. They also lead with the same foot — the left — which shows they are in sync. "He looks physically closer lớn Hailey," Cobb says of Justin"s stride. "Their body language definitely says they"re closer."

2. He Holds Hands Differently 💔


LEFT: Selemãng cầu and Justin attend the Vanity Fair Osoto Party in West Hollywood on February 27, 2011; RIGHT: Justin & Selemãng cầu appear in Paris on November 9, 2011.

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Above sầu are two instances in which Selena has the upper h& — literally: By crossing her arm over Justin"s to lớn clasp his hvà from above sầu, she asserts herself as leader in their relationship, according lớn Cobb. "Every couple has to lớn define themselves," she says of establishing dominance within a partnership. "But over time, this can cause some problems in a relationship."

In both photos above sầu, there are other signs of strain: On the left, Justin slips his left fingers into his pants pocket, which hints at discomfort, Cobb says, also noting the way he keeps his left elbow cthua thảm to the body toàn thân, as though he"s trying khổng lồ make himself smaller. "It"s lượt thích his body is imploding on itself — something isn’t right," Cobb says, looking past his facial expression. "The easiest thing to giả is a smile."

Meanwhile, on the right, there"s tension in both Selemãng cầu & Justin"s fingers. "When you apply pressure with your fingers, there"s usually some anxiety," Cobb says, although this could be situational rather than a reflection of relationship issues.



Here, Hailey và Justin interloông xã fingers, & look at that: Justin"s hvà is in front, meaning he"s taking the lead in this relationship. There"s no apparent tension in either partner"s hands or toàn thân, and Justin looks markedly more relaxed, with his arms held away from his sides. "When you"re confident, you take up a lot of space," Cobb says, begging a question: Could this have sầu something to vì chưng with the pride he takes in his partner?

Despite Hailey"s stoic expression & Justin"s nonchalance, Cobb insists this couple is super in sync. After all, they both lead with their left left legs, và their stride is a similar length. They also hold their personal items — Hailey"s bag & Justin"s phone — in their outside hands so as not to distance themselves from each other. "Nothing is getting between them, and that"s what you see with happy couples, even if their faces don"t reflect it with smiles," Cobb says.

3. He Kisses Differently💔


Although the phokhổng lồ above sầu was taken eight years ago, when Justin was younger, Cobb doesn"t need lớn card either celeb khổng lồ see this kiss for what it is: "It"s puppy love," she says. "It"s different from mature love sầu, & it"s not as developed."

Never mind that their noses, lips, & chins appear to be smushed together, while Justin keeps his hands lớn himself và Selena"s spine remains erect, just barely leaning inkhổng lồ the kiss. "I wouldn"t say, "whoa, they need to lớn get a room,"" Cobb says — mostly because Justin"s eyes appear lớn be open, and, by the corners of their mouths, you can tell both Selena & Justin are smiling. "You don’t smile while you kiss when there"s a lot of passion," Cobb says.


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"He’s in control of this kiss," Cobb notes, which is consistent with the way the couple holds hands, with Justin taking the lead. "He"s leaning down toward her, and she"s tilting her head more than he does, which exposes a vulnerable part of her body toàn thân và conveys comfort & trust."

Although there"s no soundtraông chồng on this Instagram, the couple appears to be dancing as Justin pulls Hailey cđại bại — see the curve of his fingers? He"s gripping her, pulling her cchiến bại to lớn his chest, Cobb notes. "This is a lot more passionate than his kiss with Selena."

The Bottom Line

It"s plain khổng lồ see that Justin carries himself differently around Hailey. "What he had with Selena was probably important lớn him at that time, but your views of love and how you express it change over time and with experience as you get older," she says, by way of explanation.

That said, she never could have sầu guessed that Justin"s fling would become his bride so readily. "Body language can give you a sense of how affectionate people are with each other and how they feel about one another, but when they make the decision to lớn get engaged, there"s a lot of talking about values và dreams that you don"t see."

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Elizabeth NarinsSenior fitness and health editorElizabeth Narins is a Brooklyn, NY-based writer & a former senior editor at Cosmopolirã.com, where she wrote about fitness, health, and more.
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